Explosion with SPH

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Material LAW05 (JWL), LAW06 (viscous hydro-dynamic), and LAW41(Lee-Tarver) can be used with SPH elements. The detonation point (/DETPOINT) can also be used.
We just have to be care about the physical meaning of this type of application. The mass of each SPH element is constant during the complete run (no mass reduction due to the combustion).
We also (maybe) need to tune the viscous parameter of the SPH property (QA,QB) to get accurate results.
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but material LAW05 (JWL) and LAW41(Lee-Tarver) there aren't into SPH Material Compatibility table...
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Yes, you are right. I have rechecked on sample tests and it is working correctly.
Documentation modification is needed.
Thank you.