No results in h3d format after solving in Radioss

I am writing my thesis for the next month. My Thesis is based on a Master Thesis Simulation in HyperWorks which is completed a few years ago.
Since there is no complete Data of the Simulation (only in written Form), I have to reconstruct it. And to validate it, I need to see my Results and compare this with the results of the Master Thesis.
The Master- Thesis used HyperWorks, Radioss in BulkData 110 Format.
At the end in it, it shows, that the results exported in h3d Format to show the results in HyperView.
My reconstrutive Simulation had no error messages after solving with Radioss. But if I export the results in h3d Format and try to open it in HyperView, he give me an error message, that there are no results available!
That´s a big Problem for me, ´cause I cannot verify the results.
Hope someone can help me and I´m looking forward to answer all question that can help solving this problem.
P.S. I wasn´t sure if its should be posted in 'Radioss' or 'HyperView' Forum.
I am afraid I cannot see the images you have attached, can you reattach them?
which version of HyperView are you using?
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Yes, of course.
Had attached it. And this time I uploaded it direct in this Forum
/emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
On the left side in the second Picture you see only the Information that I know to type in. And in Preferences is, I´m afraid, no Export Options. It had by the way perplexed me, that in the export data type only 'h3d (FE and Geometry)' written is and no results.
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You are using HyperMesh, our preprocessor,
The export options I was talking about was in HyperView our post processor, its a different application,
Just click on the green HyperView button in the second image you have shown after running your analysis, this will open HyperView our post processor, and automatically load the results H3D, (try it as it is first, just click on the green hyperview button and see if it postprocesses your current results)
When you run in Optistruct, it automatically creates a H3D result file in the run directory (the directory where you have the input file, see input file field in your second image), which has results, you can post process this in hyperview,
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Ah, there is the Point. I will try it direct, if I am in office.
Thank you
Greetings from Germany,
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So, I´m afraid. It doesn´t work.
After the Solver ended, I opened HyperView (Pic1)
It does not show me direct the resuts.
In the export settings I checked the Box in 'results' (Pic 2)
After that step, I show him the path in which the results of Radioss are (or actually should be) (pic 3).
The message log tells me: Failed to attach results.
Oh sometimes, there are so simple Problems, which delay the whole work.
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1) Does your RADIOSS run complete without any errors? do you get a succesfully completed message?
2) If so, you will find a H3D file in the same directory where the .rad input file is
3) open this H3D file in the load model and load results field in HyperView
4) you should now be able to see the results in HyperView
Does the above happen? do you get a failed to attach results message after following the above exactly?
In your third image from left, I see that you have opened the .rad file in Hyperview, this will give failed to attach results of course because this is just an input file without results in it.
you must point to the path and also include the .H3D file name, like image below,
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Hello Rahul
I Have followed the step by step procedure provided in the altair help page. I am able to run the model in radioss without any errors. But when i attach the model as *****.H3d and click apply i get a text box saying
*************** Log closed: 07/08/15 17:03:04 ***************2 Message: H3D File Opened: C:\*******\********\*******\pipe.h3d3 Message: H3D File Opened: C:\*******\********\*******\pipe.h3d4 Message: File created by: HyperMesh Message: File created on: 7-8-2015 17:02:136 Message: H3D File version: 12.00007 Error: Failed to attach results.why is this so? Please reply as soon as possible.Thank you.
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Hello Mr. Rahul,
I am also facing a similar problem.
I have followed the instructions in Hyperworks 13.0 help menu for the 'Bolt Pretension Tutorial' under Radioss.
After the radioss analysis .rst files are created but there are no .h3d files. Hence I am not able to view my results in Hyperview.
Please help me and let me know the problem.
Thank you.
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Hi Saurabh,
Check whether you have ANIM/DT in your Engine file. An example is shown below:
/VERS/120/RUN/anim_new/0/2.00000000000000/ANIM/DT0.000000000000000 0.100000000000000/TFILE/00.100000000000000/DT0.000000000000000 0.900000000000000