How to get the nodes slaves ls dyna *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_SET

I am trying to obtain the id for the nodes slaves from the ls dyna command
Because hypermesh save the set slave nodes in groups I try
set sId [hm_getentityvalue groups 'XtraNodes_2' 0]
but no success
I also try
set lista [hm_getenetityarray groups 'XtraNodes_2' slavesetlist ]
That return 1
but the set id is 10000
So any clue about this
Thank you in advace
You can use hm_getenetityarray groups 'XtraNodes_2' slavesetlist to get the SET ID. The ID you get as result of the command is the internal ID of the set. Since we support ID pooling in sets for LSDYNA UP the ID exposed in browser is solver ID which is 10000 in your case. You get the the solver ID for the given internal ID using the command “hm_getsolverid”.