DampRatio in Material Card

I have to read some card attributes in my present working macro . If anyone have idea .. help me.
1. DampRatio in material cards. (Card Editor --> Mats --> DampRatio )
2. HCONT in Inferface edit . (Analysis --> Interfaces --> card image --> edit --> HCONT )
I need the above two values in some testing.
Can you tell me by which command I can read the above two values ?
I tried many things with hm_getentityvalue ; but I didn't find any ..
If anyone know, please give reply.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi Sateesh,
You have to use hm_getentityvalue for Dampratio and HCONT.
You have to use the coorect attributes for these two fields in hm_getentityvalue.
set variable [hm_getentityvalue ENTITYNAME $entityid '\$Attributename' 0]