Acoustic Mesh Panel-Radioss-Bulk Format

It would be really great if ne1 can help me out in using
1)Acoustic Mesh Cavity Panel
I just created a Rectangular box(using sheet metal) and imported in Hypermesh.
Tried meshing it from the Acoustic Mesh panel(In structures->selected box and adjusted the Mesh size-> Clicked on preview but it was giving an error.(No Component selected).
If I first surface mesh the box and follow the same procedure it is getting selected and working properly.(Generating two new components
1)Structural part(Volume Mesh)
I deleted the box tried following the same steps as in tutorial to do a basic Modal Analysis to find the Acoustic Modes but I was getting an error saying
' *** ERROR # 1237 ***
CTETRA element number 657 references
a missing or invalid property number 2.'
Property number 2 is mat10_solids as in half car Model tutorial.
I am also attaching the Box which I created(It would be great if u can mesh it and tell me the procedure).
Here is the link
Unfortunately, there isnt any tutorial for Acoustic Meshing
Thanking you!
did u assigned pfluid for the psolid property and check whether you attached the psolid to the component?