Simple Connection (glue) between a bolt and a small plate

Hey Guys,
this is my first post on the altair Hyperworks Formum and I am looking for help becaus I got stuck at the following problem.
I realized the connection with contact surfaces -> solid faces and with interfaces -> contact: FREEZE.
My question is: Is there a better way to simulate a connection with 2 component glue because a friend of mine told me about the missing shear forces, which can't be calculated with the freeze method.
Any ideas?
I created a nonlinear subcase with generic and a NLPARM card.
Mesh: Tetramesh
Thank you in advance!
the question is, what do you want to simulate...
FREEZE contact is the simpelst one, and it is not more then using a lot of RBE2 elements. You FREEZE on part to another. Normally i'm using this if i want to have fast results for models with not matching meshes.
I think all forces and moments are transmitted, it depends on the connected DOF's.
If you want to calculate a real glued connection, then you have to do a lot more ;-)
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Hi Manuel,
As Mario has pointed out, it depends on what your trying to simulate,
If Glue kinda contact it what that you want to model,
then FREEZE options goes well, but note there will not be any relative motion between the two surfaces, in contact.
If you want to create a closed contact and if frictional resistance is essential to the solution of the problem,
then modeling the contact with the option STICK is a good option.
This way the contact region is closed and also minimal sliding is expected.
You can refer the Hyperworks Help document: with the keyword PCONT.
Hope this helps your query!!
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When using the Auto-Contact Brwoser and the FREEZE option is this a non-linear or linear analysis? Contact usually is non-linear, but actually FREEZE is just a tie.
I need to link/glue some structural parts together for a linear quasi-static analysis (the adhesive connection is not in the focus) and I am wondering if I should use AutoContact -> FREEZE or an area connector? Which of the area connectors (plot,wled,rigid, etc.?) is equivalent to a tie constraint?
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I know that this type exists, but I don't want to model the adhesive (at least for my first calculations). I have many parts which I want to connect to each other at defined surfaces/areas with a tie-like constraint (like in Abaqus)?
So my question is, what is equivalent to this for a linear static analysis? Freeze contact or area conntact of type rigid, weld, etc?