Optistruct: Message: Error #1000

I would like someone help me to find which is the problem of my model. After see in this forum other similar errors and check everything once and once again, I can´t find the solution to run my model and see the optimization of my part. Someone here could tell me, what can I check?.
I paste here the message error:
Messages for the job:
*** See next message about line 9652 from file:
'CTETRA 20220 0 6864 4215 4194 6877'
*** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
Incorrect data in field # 3.
Too many error messages. Aborting run.
Current limit is 10000. Use 'MSGLMT' control card to change this value.
** **
** **
** OptiStruct 13.0 **
** **
** Design and Optimization Software **
** from Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** **
** **
** Windows 7 Workstation SP1 (Build 7601) **
** 2 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5800 @ 2.00GHz **
** CPU speed 2000 MHz **
** 2771 MB RAM, 8124 MB swap **
** **
** Build tag: 0725791_5533130_Ce64RBW8UH12M:91799-000 4000000004000 **
** COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-2014 Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** All Rights Reserved. Copyright notice does not imply publication. **
** Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** Decompilation or disassembly of this software strictly prohibited. **
*** ERROR # 1000 *** in the input data:
Incorrect data in field # 3.
Too many error messages. Aborting run.
Current limit is 10000. Use 'MSGLMT' control card to change this value.
==== End of solver screen output ====
==== Job completed ====
try assign a psolid property to ctetra component
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Hi Tinh,
Thanks for your help, it is solve.
Now I have another problem and I have founded the same problem in the forum but I don´t understand what I have to do, exactly.
Could someone describe the steps?
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Hi Agustin,
Are you trying to create any opti controls?
Can you explain what you are trying to do?
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Hi Prakash,
Sorry for the explanation. I link the wrong post also.
/emoticons/default_unsure.png' title=':unsure:' />
I have a panel and I would like to reduce mass, the constraints are the max. displacement in some points. I was using Opti Controls because after my first error, I had the next error:
*** ERROR # 1861 ***
Equality constraints can only be defined when the SQP or BIGOPT
optimization method is selected on the DOPTPRM OPTMETH card.Searching in the forum, I have found the next post link:
There I have seen your answer but I don´t know what exactly, I should do. I have gone to the Opti control and i have change it for SQP but the tool tell me that the Opticontrol was not found in the model.... I have seen also this problem en other post (my first link) and still I don´t know what I have to do.
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Hi Agustin,
You need to check the box right before the OPTMETH as shown in the image.
If you still face the problem, please share the file with us. Use this File Transfer LINK
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Hi Agustin,
So you are activating a opti control and card editing without actually creating.
Follow this:
1) Activate OPTMETH and change to SOP
2)Click return to exit the panel
3) Go back to same OptiControl panel and card edit
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Hi Prakash,
Thanks for the clarification, I was searching information or some tutorial about this topic 'Opticontrol and its options', I could find some options descriptions but not all.
After your answer I was trying to run the model but again other more:
*** ERROR # 831 ***
Optimization problem is too big to be solved by CONMIN.
number of design variables = 34018
number of retained constraints = 4I know what it means but I don´t know what more I should do to solve it because I put all the restrictions that I want. For example I also don´t understand why my model doesn´t run if I have done like other videotutorial in internet similar tu my panel.
If you can help me about it, I will thank you.
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Hi Agustin,
I check the file which you sent earlier. So there is a conflict in the definition of displacement response.
You have given a same upper and lower bound value for nodes. Can you explain this, please?
Remove the lower bound (or make it zero) and change the OPTMETH to DUAL and try again.