replace nodes from one nodelist to another nodelist accoding to nearest distance between two nodes

I don't have anything that does that exactly, but it can be written pretty easily. May I ask what your end goal is? Perhaps there is something that already does what you need? Are you trying to perform a 'ruled' function in a macro?
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i wanna connect component like disc with say 12 nodes on outer edge to a whole with 12 nodes. in this case i wanna use *replacenodes command but first i need to decide nearest node should be replaced.
That's why i wanna need some info regarding whtether we can know nearest node among a given nodelist for specific nodes from other nodelist
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Sounds like you want to fix a 'crack' in the model? If so, you can create free edges of both parts in the edges panel, then perform an equivalence on ONLY the ^edges component. This should stitch them at the nearest. If you need one-to-one mapping of different numbers of nodes, then some assumptions will have to be made for the macro you are considering. For instance: What will you do for different length lists?