Unable to run Solver

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Hi, I can't seem to run the Optistruct solver because it cannot run element cleanup. I am new to Hyperworks application and do not know what is wrong with the particular element.
Thanks for the help.
Can you please post the '.out' and '.stat' file of your FEM problem?
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The amount of memory allocated for the run is 300 MB.This run will use in-core processing in the solver.Element # 3878, element type TETRA.*** PROGRAM STOPPED: ERRORS DURING ELEMENT QUALITY CHECK.************************************************************************A fatal error has occurred during computations:*** PROGRAM STOPPED: ERRORS DURING ELEMENT QUALITY CHECK.0
OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM PARAMETERS :---------------------------------Objective Function : Minimize Weighted Compliance------------------Response Summary :------------------Number of volume fraction responses : 1Number of compliance responses : 1Number of equation responses : 1------------------------Static Subcase Summary :---------------------------------- -------- -------- --------------Subcase ID SPC ID LOAD ID Weight = w(i)---------- -------- -------- --------------1 1 2 1.000---------- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------Design Parameters Summary :---------------------------Total # of topology design elements : 3098Total # of topology cards : 1Total Volume of Design Material : 2.1107E+02Total Mass of Design Material : 5.6988E-04Volume of Non-Design Material : 0.0000E+00Mass of Non-Design Material : 0.0000E+00Solid Design Elements : PSOLID--------------------- --------1---------------------------------Optimization Parameters Summary :---------------------------------Initial Material Fraction [0,1] : 0.5100Minimum Element Volume Fraction : 0.0100Discreteness Parameter : 1.0000Topology Optimization Method : Density MethodMaximum Number of Iterations : 30Convergence Tolerance : 5.0000E-03Step Size (Topology) : 0.5000Checkerboard Control : On (1 - Global Averaging)Run Type : Topology Optimization-------------------------------Topology Optimization Summary :--------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------DTPL ID Minimum Maximum MinimumMember Size Member Size Gap Size-------- ----------- ----------- -----------1-------- ----------- ----------- ------------------- ------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------DTPL ID Pattern Pattern Draw Dir. Stamping No Hole ExtrusionRepet. Group. Constraints Constraints Constraints Constraints-------- ------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------1 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE-------- ------- ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------Restart from previous solution : NoScratch file directory : ./Free space: 340.359 GBNumber of CPU processors : 1************************************************************************************************************************************************MEMORY ESTIMATION INFORMATION :-------------------------------Solver Type is: Sparse-Matrix SolverDirect MethodCurrent Memory (RAM) : 100 MBIn addition a ramdisk area was allocated in memory : 200 MBEstimated Minimum Memory (RAM) for Out of Core Solution : 6 MBRecommended Memory (RAM) for Out of Core Solution : 6 MBRecommended Memory (RAM) for In-Core Solution : 7 MB(Note: The Minimum Memory Requirement is limited by Sensitivity Module.)DISK SPACE ESTIMATION INFORMATION :-----------------------------------Estimated Disk Space for Output Data Files : 6 MBEstimated Scratch Disk Space for In-Core Solution : 5 MBEstimated Scratch Disk Space for Out of Core Solution : 8 MB************************************************************************BEGINNING OPTIMIZATION SOLUTION ....************************************************************************OPTIMIZATION HISTORY INFORMATION :----------------------------------ITERATION 0Element # 2354, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Skew Angle = 75.270upper limit = 75.000WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Vertex Angle = 7.5045lower limit = 15.000WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Edge Angle = 80.092upper limit = 75.000Element # 2376, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Vertex Angle = 13.291lower limit = 15.000WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Edge Angle = 75.141upper limit = 75.000Element # 2399, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Skew Angle = 75.270upper limit = 75.000WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Vertex Angle = 7.5045lower limit = 15.000WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Edge Angle = 80.740upper limit = 75.000NOTE : other similar error/warning messages were suppressed,use PARAM,CHECKEL,FULL to obtain full reportElement # 2503, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Skew Angle = 80.714upper limit = 75.000Element # 3764, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Aspect Ratio = 819.11upper limit = 100.00ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Aspect Ratio = 729.39upper limit = 500.00ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Skew Angle = 89.851upper limit = 85.000ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Vertex Angle = 0.74365E-01lower limit = 3.0000ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Edge Angle = 89.403upper limit = 87.000Element # 3878, element type TETRA.ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Edge Angle = 87.104upper limit = 87.000Element # 4179, element type TETRA.ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Skew Angle = 86.790upper limit = 85.000ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Vertex Angle = 1.6382lower limit = 3.0000ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Edge Angle = 88.078upper limit = 87.000Element # 4245, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Aspect Ratio = 781.06upper limit = 100.00ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Aspect Ratio = 729.39upper limit = 500.00ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Skew Angle = 89.851upper limit = 85.000ERROR - Acceptable range violation: Face Vertex Angle = 0.74365E-01lower limit = 3.0000Element # 4435, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Aspect Ratio = 61.537upper limit = 50.000Element # 4875, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Aspect Ratio = 53.548upper limit = 50.000Element # 4911, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Face Aspect Ratio = 84.289upper limit = 50.000Element # 5261, element type TETRA.WARNING - Outside of recommended range: Aspect Ratio = 104.03upper limit = 100.00*** ERROR # 2203 ***Error(s) encountered during element check***** Element Quality Check Failed - error limits violation *****NOTE : To bypass element quality checks (except essential validity checks)use PARAM,CHECKEL,NO. This may, however, cause very poor results.Element Quality Check Summary-----------------------------Total # of elements that exceeded acceptable range (error) = 22Total # of elements that exceeded recommended range (warning) = 189Acceptable range violations:------------------------------------------------------------------------------Element Property # of Acceptable Range Max. Viol. Elem.Viol. Lower Upper Value type No.------- ------------------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --- -------TETRA Face Skew Angle 20 -- 85.00 89.85 U 3764TETRA Edge Angle 19 -- 87.00 89.75 U 5431TETRA Face Vertex Angle 21 3.00 177.00 0.07 L 4245TETRA Face Aspect Ratio 2 -- 500.00 729.39 U 3764Recommended range violations:------------------------------------------------------------------------------Element Property # of Recommended Range Max. Viol. Elem.Viol. Lower Upper Value type No.------- ------------------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --- -------TETRA TETRA Aspect Ratio 7 -- 100.00 819.11 U 3764TETRA Face Skew Angle 38 -- 75.00 84.49 U 4402TETRA Edge Angle 103 -- 75.00 86.82 U 5036TETRA Face Vertex Angle 172 15.00 165.00 3.35 L 4363TETRA Face Aspect Ratio 12 -- 50.00 117.47 U 5360*** PROGRAM STOPPED: ERRORS DURING ELEMENT QUALITY CHECK.
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To solve this, you can either remesh the elements or turn off the element quality check.
To turn off element quality check, Go to Analysis page>> Control Cards>> PARAM>>CHECKEL>> NO