2D Analysis Error

Hello everyone,
I'm doing my first steps with altair software and trying to run a simple 2D analysis of a plate. I already did some tutorials etc. but i can't find what I'm looking for.
When I use PSHEAR Elements, I get "ERROR 14: Missing property # 1 referenced by CQUAD4 # 1." for every Quad Element (not for Trias) . But when I use PSHELL, i get no error and the solver is finishing.
What could be my mistake?
Best Answer
Hello Alexander,
For PSHEAR property, you should update the element type to CSHEAR instead of CQUAD. You can find more details in our documentation: https://help.altair.com/hwsolvers/os/topics/solvers/os/cshear_bulk_r.htm?zoom_highlight=cshear
This operation can be done through the Elements ribbon > Edit > Change element type:
Under 2D & 3D panel:
Hope this clarifies your question. Thank you!
Vinicius Gomes1
Hello Alexander,
For PSHEAR property, you should update the element type to CSHEAR instead of CQUAD. You can find more details in our documentation: https://help.altair.com/hwsolvers/os/topics/solvers/os/cshear_bulk_r.htm?zoom_highlight=cshear
This operation can be done through the Elements ribbon > Edit > Change element type:
Under 2D & 3D panel:
Hope this clarifies your question. Thank you!
Vinicius Gomes1 -
Thank you very much. Sorry for the late reply, but I got sick that day and took it easy for a few days. Anyway, now I have the same error with the TRIAs, which element must//can I select there?
Is this even the right way for a planar calculation? Or is PSHELL better if necessary?
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Alexander Sänger said:
Thank you very much. Sorry for the late reply, but I got sick that day and took it easy for a few days. Anyway, now I have the same error with the TRIAs, which element must//can I select there?
Is this even the right way for a planar calculation? Or is PSHELL better if necessary?
Hi Alexander,
This element type is only available for quads. In any case, maybe it would be better for you to use the plane strain formulation, from what I see. I have given the orientations for you in the other post you did: https://community.altair.com/community?id=community_Question&sys_id=e12e2f45db8a2510cfd5f6a4e29619bd