Importing load from Excel

Hi everyone am working in Hypermesh(Aerospace) profile, i want to import load from excel which has nodal coordinates(or Element ID) and XYZ component forces .
How to do this??
Thanks. /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
@Prakash He want to IMPORT load defined in Excel file, not INTERPOLATE as you suggest. Maybe the resultant is not so different, but that's not the same.
@mano112aprmw Do you know something about TCL programming? I think you can export Excel into CSV format et write a TCL script to read & apply to your model.
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@Q.Nguyen-Dai My mistake.
One way is to have forces/moments in the form of .dat file which you can directly import in OptiStruct profile (.dat format is shown in image)
Here is a script to Create force on nodes using box selection. The Force and the box coordinates are defined in an external csv-file and force magnitude is divided to number of nodes that fall under this box.
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You can download the script from Script Exchange
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I have an ideal.
Thinking that excel is also very powerful to process data,
you can use its formulas to generate a *.fem file then import to hypermesh
example with node coordinates and force components,
I will generate GRID data, CONM2 (mass elems) at those grids, and FORCE on them,
after import to your model,
you can easily to use panel tool>equivalence to stick CONM2 to your nodes, then delete CONM2:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
sample excel:
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Yeah, for 'small' & 'average' analysis, that's ok.
But for 'big' (>1.E+6 nodes), maybe you hit Excel limitation
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
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Altair Forum User said:
Yeah, for 'small' & 'average' analysis, that's ok.
But for 'big' (>1.E+6 nodes), maybe you hit Excel limitation
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
/emoticons/default_biggrin.png' srcset='/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x' title=':D' width='20' /> it's high probability with him - students often like to do big one
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Altair Forum User said:
@Q.Nguyen-Dai My mistake.
One way is to have forces/moments in the form of .dat file which you can directly import in OptiStruct profile (.dat format is shown in image)
Here is a script to Create force on nodes using box selection. The Force and the box coordinates are defined in an external csv-file and force magnitude is divided to number of nodes that fall under this box.
@Prakash Pagadala, how can I import the .dat file?
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Hi @Johannes
You can import .dat file in OptiStruct/Nastran profile in HyperMesh.
Goto Import>>Solver Deck>> Change file type to All file formats>> Select the .dat file>> Import.
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Altair Forum User said:
I have an ideal.
Thinking that excel is also very powerful to process data,
you can use its formulas to generate a *.fem file then import to hypermesh
example with node coordinates and force components,
I will generate GRID data, CONM2 (mass elems) at those grids, and FORCE on them,
after import to your model,
you can easily to use panel tool>equivalence to stick CONM2 to your nodes, then delete CONM2:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
sample excel:
Hi @tinh,
How would this Excel to FEM model be adjusted if you want to use it to create only pressures at x_node, y_node, z_node instead of Force components?
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Pressures must be define on elements, not at x, y, z coordinates.
Please describe your problem in detail