Topology Optimization Method in INSPIRE
I have two questions on solidThinking INSPIRE:
1) Which optimization method is used in the background? Is it SIMP or SKO?
- solidThinking uses OptiStruct in the background and thus the topology is based on the SIMP Method
2) Does INSPIRE use first- or second order Tetra Elements?
- You can choose this in the analysis / optimization menu, where you are asked for 'faster' or 'more accurate' results. The first option gives you linear Tetras, the second option will create 2nd order Tetras. We recommend option 'fast' for topology optimization and option 'accurate' for linear static analysis.
hello bro,
Do you know SIMP Method ? or you have file pdf about it, do you share for me? thanks bro.
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PFA pdf from the OptiStruct online help.