Why do I get errors about libstdc++.so.5 missing when I try to run AcuSolve?

Some programs in the AcuSolve installation require libstdc++.so.5. This library is present on most Linux systems as part of the GNU C compiler collection. However, newer Linux kernels are updating to libstdc++.so.6, which is not compatible with the AcuSolve installation. To resolve this issue, users need to install the libstdc++.so.5 library. This can typically be found using the package manager, or by doing a google search for libstdc++ and the name of your Linux flavor/version. These libraries can be downloaded from the various repositories on the web.
For 64 bit SuSe Linux, the package may be obtained from the following link:
For Ubuntu and other Debian systems, the following link can be used to search for 'libstdc++.so.5' in the 'Search the contents of packages' field:
A direct link to the debian package download is shown below (contained in the most recent debian version as of the date this is being posted):
Altair Forum User said:
Some programs in the AcuSolve installation require libstdc++.so.5. This library is present on most Linux systems as part of the GNU C compiler collection. However, newer Linux kernels are updating to libstdc++.so.6, which is not compatible with the AcuSolve installation. To resolve this issue, users need to install the libstdc++.so.5 library. This can typically be found using the package manager, or by doing a google search for libstdc++ and the name of your Linux flavor/version. These libraries can be downloaded from the various repositories on the web.
For 64 bit SuSe Linux, the package may be obtained from the following link:
For Ubuntu and other Debian systems, the following link can be used to search for 'libstdc++.so.5' in the 'Search the contents of packages' field:
A direct link to the debian package download is shown below (contained in the most recent debian version as of the date this is being posted):
For HW 11 & 12, we have no problem with this library on RHEL/CentOS Linux x86_64.
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