Error 7007 and 7001

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I'm getting the following errors everytime I try to run an optimization.  I'm using a relatively fine mesh, for fidelity purposes and hope I don't need to make it more course.  Is there any way to take care of this? 


*** ERROR # 7007 ***
 The run failed because automatic memory expansion has failed.
 Currently allocated working storage is       6654 MB.
 Automatic expansion failed to expand to      7620 MB.
 More than the failed amount of memory is required to complete the run.
 Please verify whether the system has enough memory and rerun the problem.


 Current Memory (RAM)                                    :    6654 MB
 Estimated Minimum Memory (RAM) for the check run        :    8231 MB
 *** ERROR # 7001 ***
 Not enough memory for preprocessing
 (total number of nonzero terms has not been determined)
 The run failed because automatic memory expansion has failed.
 Please see the previous error message for more information.
 This error occurs in module 'prpdrv'.
 MAXIMUM MEMORY USED                                      6654 MB
 MAXIMUM DISK SPACE USED                                     1 MB


  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2014



    Looks like there is no enough memory to run the model.


    One way is to run the model on another machine which has sufficient RAM which requires around 8500MB.


    Here is another way which may help you:


    Please add PARAM,HASHASSM,YES to the deck and rerun. The memory requirement for Static Load cases in the assembly module is reduced by a factor of 3.
    Also please set the scratch directory using the TMPDIR card so that scratch space is optimally used.
    You can ask the solver to write the scratch files to a different temp directory where you have enough disk space.
    In OptiStruct input, the complete path to the temporary directory (where all of the scratch files are written and has enough disk space) can be entered on the TMPDIR card. The TMPDIR card is available in HyperMesh in the control cards panel.
    Also, please note that when a temporary directory is specified, it is important to verify that the directory has correct read and write permissions.
    You can also specify multiple scratch directories through repeated instances of –tmpdir or –scr while running the job :
    Example: radioss infile.fem –tmpdir C:\tmp –tmpdir Z:\tmp ( refer to the run_options)
    I hope this helps, feel free to contact us if you need any further information.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2014

    Thanks Prakash, but I still get the same error.  I'm running on a 12MB machine so I should I have plenty of memory.  For whatever reason, it doens't use all available memory.  Can you think of any other ideas?