Export defined group of Surface/Mesh into Abaqus

I have defined a red surface in the purple plate in the HyperMesh.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Later I plan to export the tetramesh and red surface into Abaqus for analysis. A pressure would be loaded on the red surface
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
After exported into Abaqus, there is no more surface component any more.
I am wondering how should I get a defined surface in HyperMesh and use it in Abaqus?
Thank you!
Attached is the file but .txt should be converted back to .hm
I think you have exported to solver format which writes only FE data.
Maybe you should also export the geometry to any CAD format like STP and import the same in Abaqus.
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Make a 'footprint' of your red surface into component 'half'. Then remake your mesh. By that method, you have the form of red surface on the mesh. Just define a set of node/faces in order to apply pressure later for Abaqus.
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Altair Forum User said:
I think you have exported to solver format which writes only FE data.
Maybe you should also export the geometry to any CAD format like STP and import the same in Abaqus.
Hello, Prakash
Thank you for your suggestion.
Do you suggest me to export FE data and geometry data from Hypermesh and Abaqus separately and then operate on the model in Abaqus to get the surface? I have tried to do that but the FE data only consist elements information and could not be processed any geometry operation.
I am wondering would you like to give more details about your suggestion?
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Altair Forum User said:
Make a 'footprint' of your red surface into component 'half'. Then remake your mesh. By that method, you have the form of red surface on the mesh. Just define a set of node/faces in order to apply pressure later for Abaqus.
Do you suggestion me to remesh the plate including the red surface? What bother me is the defined set of node/face in Hypermesh will disappear in Abaqus.
I am wondering would you like to give more details about your suggestion?
Thank you!
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But you can define directly pressure within Hypermesh for Abaqus, right?
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I think defining pressure directly in HM and exporting the same maybe a good idea.
Think about that
/emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
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Altair Forum User said:
But you can define directly pressure within Hypermesh for Abaqus, right?
Altair Forum User said:I think defining pressure directly in HM and exporting the same maybe a good idea.
Think about that
/emoticons/default_smile.png' alt=':)' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
Thank you for your helpful reply. I think defining pressure in HM kind of detour my question.
And I happened to find our the surface created in Contact Manager is compatible in Hypermesh and Abauqs. This suggestion comes from my senior student.