Thermal mapping/analysis in ventilated motorcycle helmet

Hello guys,
I am undergoing master in university right now and my title of my research is 'OPTIMISING THE COMFORT IN MOTORCYCLE HELMET BY THERMAL/MOISTURE MAPPING'. It is all about the effect of temperature inside the motorcycle helmet during riding a bike. Therefore, it is related to CFD which will effect the thermal energy inside/outside the helmet.
The question is, how should I approach this type of case study using HyperWorks? I would be great if you guys attach some of tutorials. - example of vented motorcycle helmet image attached (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>)
plus I tried this tutorial ( using HyperWorks version 13 but I stuck with assigning 'Conductivity'
Tutorials (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>)
Mine (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>)
The tutorial you mentioned is using RADIOSS and not AcuSolve.
You can find AcuSolve tutorials on:
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Altair Forum User said:
The tutorial you mentioned is using RADIOSS and not AcuSolve.
You can find AcuSolve tutorials on:
Thank you for replying! I cannot see which one is related to my case study here. Can you please suggest one that related to mine. Thanks!
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There are several tutorials that deal with heat transfer and internal flow.
Could you describe in detail, what input you have and what output you would want, considering which physical phenomena?
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Altair Forum User said:
There are several tutorials that deal with heat transfer and internal flow.
Could you describe in detail, what input you have and what output you would want, considering which physical phenomena?
Hello, the input is .igs file of helmet from 3D scanner. The helmet have air hole/vent, I need to run thermal analysis when there is air flow ( mimic the event: when motorcyclist riding a motorcycle and wearing the helmet). Then the final output is thermal mapping.
Please help!
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You could import the IGS file into HyperMesh and create a surface mesh.
WIth the surface mesh completed you have two options:
1. Easy : Export the surface mesh as Nastran (Fluent) file from HM (using CFD Profile).
a. Import this .Nas file in Virtual Wind Tunnel (VWT13.1).
b. create wind tunnel around this helmet mesh
c. Run an isothermal case.
d. Import this .INP in AcuConsole and setup up thermal BCs.
Explains the steps 1a- 1c.
2. This option requires some experience with HyperMesh.
a. Create a wind tunnel volume (geom)
b. volume mesh in HyperMesh
c. start AcuSolve job with the required thermal setup from HM13.0