Need help with Online Learning - Cylinders -Filleting A Tube
Hi, hope someone can help with this one. I've been trying out some of the online learning exercises on the solidThinking site ( Under Support menu-online learning) One of them is called Cylinders - Filleting A Tube. I find it quite difficult to follow as it goes too fast, even though I've paused it and rewinded it, I still find I'm missing steps. For example, after the 2 cylinders are boolean unioned and the edge inbetween has been rounded. I don't know how the tops and bottoms of the cylinders disappear after the 'demonstrator' has clicked on them! There's got to be a function you do before to make that happen, and there's no way of making out what it is.
Also, this example uses solidThinking on windows and I'm using solidThinking on a mac, so the icons and toolbars are slightly different which is possibly why I'm having a problem with it.
So anyone who uses solidThinking on a mac know how to fillet a tube?? any advice would be great thanks!
after the 2 cylinders are rounded press 'C' and collapse hystory.
Now you can select top&bottom surfaces and delete them.
You can do the same thing with 'Shell'tool(less steps)
this tutorial is made with an old version of sT (4.1 i think about 2001 :-)
mac/win interfaces are identical
P.S.:for any question fell free to contact me.