h3d file not generating

Following is my engine file, my run has completed but the h3d file is not generated. need your help.
# Altair Engineering, Inc. (c) 2015
# Radioss Engine Deck Generated by HyperMesh v11.0
0.000000 0.005000
9.000e-001 1.000e-006
Do you see any A0# files written in your working directory?
If there are more than 1000 A## files then you have to reduce the frequency in your ANIM/DT
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Search for the h3d file in the following location
That's usually,
C:\Program Files\Altair\14.0\io\result_readers\bin\win64
To have the h3d files created in the working directory, save the *.rad file in there before solving.
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I have ran an RADIOSS model and it is showing the following column. The run has not started but the job is completed without showing any error. Please help me with this.
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Did the solver generate a starter out (_0000.out) file?. If so please share the same. If not, please share the model file.
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I doubt with the material cards defined. Can you please recheck the materials in the model (/MAT/LAW36).
If issue persist please share the model file so that we can review the file.
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Hi George,
Please find the below mentioned material table.
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Ensure you have recalled the functions for /MAT/LAW36.
Also, please run the model checker (Tools>>Model Checker) so that it will list out the possible modelling errors.
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Hi ,
I have rectified the model and initiated the run. Run is going smoothly. But i cannot find any movement in the animation. All the energies are remains zero but external work is plotted as shown below. Is this correct behavior ?
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I doubt whether there is any kind of 'movement' happening in the model. Can you please upload the animation file in HyperView and check the model behavior?.
What kind of analysis you are performing?.
Also, high energy error from first cycle is not normal. We need to check the model. Also check whether there are any penetrations in the model.
Is there are any warnings listed in the starter out file?.
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Hi ,
i have given the Imposed velocity as Input 400mm/s.
There is no displacement in the model when the run is progress.
I have checked the penetration in Hypermesh and removed it. But still in the warning file the penetration warning is showing
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From the BCs Manager please review the /IMPDISP load created and ensure that the node/node group is selected properly for applying the load.
If you are applying on a rigid body apply the load onto the master node of the rigid body.
I presume that there are penetrations in interfaces. Please depenetrate them and try running. The below post shows the same:
If the issue is persisting please share the model file.