Element type/contact surfaces

I have a product that is to be analysed using hypermesh and RADIOSS solver. I created my part by creating a 2d mesh and then solid mapping it to form a 3d component. When i solve, I am getting an error message related to the elements. As I am new to Hypermesh, I am not able to uderstand what the error is. It had something to do with a CTETRA element and since mine is a solid I tried changing it to DTETRA4. But then it says 'No element in the input data'. Due to this, I am stuck and not able to proceed any further.
Moreover, I am not able to fined the contactsurfs panel on the analysis page... Only the interface panel is there. Are those 2 the same?
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I don't know if you're using RADIOSS bulk for your solution, but basically the steps to perform an analysis with 3D solids using solid mapping is to create your 'source' 2D elements (trias, tetras) and using solid mapping create the 3D mesh. If you do not need your 2D 'source' elements in your analysis then erase them from your model (actually there is a far better way to have 2D elements matching your 3D elements free surfaces with the 'faces extraction'...). Apply material & properties to your 3D elements (that's PSOLID entry for RADIOSS bulk) and from this point you can continue with your analysis.
If you select RADIOSS as your profile then in the Analysis page you will find both the 'interfaces' and the 'contatsurfs' options