Frequency units

Hello all,
I was trying to perform modal analysis in OptiStruct and the corresponding modes that I get, I feel, are in radian/sec and I wanted to switch those to Hz. Can anyone assist me with the same? Thank you!
Hi Aditya,
The output file (*.out) should have a table of modes with a column for 'Frequency' and a column for 'Eigenvalue'. The 'Eigenvalue' is the angular frequency SQUARED, with the angular frequency here expressed as radians/time. The 'Frequency' is that same mode expressed as cycles/time. When interpreting the values be mindful of the units of time in your model. If you are using seconds for time then the 'Frequency' will be in cycles/second, or Hertz (Hz). If your model uses milliseconds for the unit of time the 'Frequency' is reported in cycles/milliseconds. Multiply by 1000 to get cycles/second (Hz).
To convert from 'Eigenvalue' to 'Frequency' take the square root of 'Eigenvalue', and then divide by (2*pi).