error in meshing compressible face in transient magnetic application

I have built a 2D model for the cross section of a guitar pickup. It consists of a static magnet and coil, and a moving string above.
In the static application everything works fine- I'm able to solve and get different flux values for the different positions of the string (though the data seems a bit weird).
When I tried using the same model, but in transient app. I recive the following error:
'Unable to mesh the face 2
Please could you check the geometry and
the meshing of lines of face
Remeshing of Mecha. Sets impossible on current time step
Remeshing of Mecha. Sets impossible on previous time step'
face 2 is the air surrounding the pickup.
I'll mention that I need the movement of the string to be harmonic, which is why in the mechanical set I've defined the 'move' set position by time.
Any help solving this will be really apreciated.
added is the project.
Thank you
I made a test on the project that you send. If I use the formula in the mechanical set, I get an error message. But If I use a value (for example zero), I reached to solve the project. I will check more in details.
Other thing I made some modification on your project, I create an around the moving part (to decrease the part to mesh).
Best regards.