measuring current in coil induced by moving magnetic field

nadavbarak Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I need to model a guitar pickup- meaning a magnet, wrapped ~7000 turns, with the coil overlapping itself, and a moving string above that creates a change in the magnetic field. I need to extract the current developed in the coil due to the movement of the string.


I have seen the examples Flux provides, but I couldn't find exactly what I nedded. I Managed to model the magnetic flux through the entire coil, and I saw an actuator example where you can define the current and induce movement (pretty much the opposite dierction of what I need).

I was wondering how can I measure the current induced by the movement of the string. What apllication (magnetic/electric) should I use, how should I model the coil etc.


Thank you in advance,





  • Alejandro Rodríguez
    Alejandro Rodríguez
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2020



    Yes, you can simulate this. The simplest way is to define the coil and the conductor and the movement you want, in the same way that the actuator example does. The best application to do this is the transient magnetic one.


    Then, you should associate the coil with a circuit since the magnetic interaction is not directly generating a current but a voltage. The final current you will obtain will greatly depends on the circuit connected to your coil. Actually, the circuit is the only remarkable difference between the example (where the current is seen as a input) and your problem (where the movement is the input and the voltage/current the output).


    Since your question is quite general, I advise you to do the actuator example first. Once you get familiar with it the next step is to change the circuit, replacing the sources by resistances and seeing what is happening from a physics point of view.


    Finally, you can use this case as inspiration to build your own project.


    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
