Problems to display Maxwell materials in solidThinking 8.0 - Mac OsX

Hello everybody,
I've installed Maxwell Material Presets for solidThinking 8.0 in MacOsX but I can't display the materials on Materials Library toolbar.
I'm glad to know what going on launching Maxwell Materials setup package.
Where does it install the files?
In which folder have to install the Maxwell Material Presets?
I'm still working with solidThinking 7.5 and solidMaxwell render engine and it works good.
What's wrong with 8.0? Are there some differences?
Waiting for an answer,
thanks to everybody.
Hi Francesco,
after you installed the Maxwell Materials what you need to do is to open the Materials browser, click the button above 'Categories' and 'Tags', click 'Browse for library' and then click 'Browse' on the next panel.
You will be able to browse your hard disk to select the folder where the materials are installed.
Select the \User\Shared\solidThinking_8.0\MaterialLib\4 folder
and confirm.
That folder will be scanned and the materials will be added in the Materials toolbar.
Antonio Flores
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Hi Antonio,
thanks a lot for help!
Now I set the Materials toolbar right.
I understand what was wrong.
Thanks a lot!