Remeshing in Free-Shape Optimization

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi Everyone,


I'm performing shape optimization on a part, and I've run into the issue where after about 8-10 iterations the solver stops with the error of excessive element distortion. I've set the REMESH control card to 1 as suggested here: .


However, when I do this the solver does iteration 0, outputs the excessive mesh distortion error, says that I have a feasible design (no stress constraints violated in the original part), gives me the '***** END OF REPORT *****' message, then says it's starting the remesh. It then proceeds to run the remesh on one core (I have 8) and takes forever (it's still running after an hour, but with very little RAM usage).


Is this what's supposed to happen or am I doing something wrong? What I don't get is why it now says there is an excessive element distortion on iteration 0.





So the remesh finally finished (after about 2 hours) and the solver reloaded, but gave the following error:


 *** See next message about line 7281 from file: Shape_Opt_04_rmsh001.fem
  'SURF           2ELFACE'
 Syntax error(s) found in bulk data 'SURF' card.


I have two contact surfaces in the model, not sure if that's the issue, as in the .fem file this line is right near the definition of the contact surface.


