Adhesive connectors in Radioss Block Format 140?

Greetings Forum Members,
I am writing regarding a query on modelling of Adhesive connectors in Radioss Block Format 140.
I am working on hyperworks 14 and have been using Optistruct for linear Static, Modal analysis and Abaqus CAE for all my non-linear implicit and explicit analysis. I have been exploring Radioss for a while now but I am relatively a new user who is trying to move all my non-linear analysis to Radioss Solver.
So, In Optistruct input deck the option to create Adhesive's is relatively simple. Connectors --> Area --> Adhesive --> this will create a brick element for which the desired PSolid property can be directly assigned. The Structural Adhesive is used to join two plastic automotive components say for example the inner and outer panel of the engine hood using RBE3 kinematic constraints between the solid and shell elements. The Structural Adhesive is a elastic material with properties obtained from the testing Lab.
The same can be done in Abaqus 3D Solver Deck. But in Radioss Block format the options available are Adhesive spring and Adhesive (contact). So how do I model the adhesive as solid with RBE3 constraints? Or what is the correct method to model the adhesives in Radioss?
Thank you.
Hi Bhararth,
Please search the Help Menu for RADIOSS Connector Types where RADIOSS adhesive contacts are also covered.
Also find the attached pdf where all the aspects related to connectors are covered.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Bhararth,
Please search the Help Menu for RADIOSS Connector Types where RADIOSS adhesive contacts are also covered.
Also find the attached pdf where all the aspects related to connectors are covered.
HI George,
Thank you for your reply.
I have viewed the pdf before and also looked up the hyperworks example Solid spot weld for Radioss Block Format.
The radioss block uses the M59_connect and P43 connect for defining the Material and property cards also a Fail_connect criteria property is created. And a Type 2 Tied interface is used. I get all that. But the adhesive material data available to me is E, Rho and NU. It is considered Elastic because it is known not to fail at the applied loads even during non-linear analysis.
I always create the deck in Optistruct and convert it to Abaqus 3D. So the RBE3 will be converted to DCOUP3D kinematic Constraints.
I have attached a simple adhesive picture modeled in Optistruct using RBE3 and the one that is available in Radioss Block 140 using Type 2 contact. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thank you.
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Hi Bharath,
Now I understood your query. I doubt whether RADIOSS has an option to model the adhesive as solid with RBE3 elements. I'll update you regarding this very soon.
Meanwhile you can also search for /MAT/LAW83 & /FAIL/SNCONNECT in Help Menu, which is an advanced connection material and failure card according to plastic strain criteria.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Bharath,
Now I understood your query. I doubt whether RADIOSS has an option to model the adhesive as solid with RBE3 elements. I'll update you regarding this very soon.
Meanwhile you can also search for /MAT/LAW83 & /FAIL/SNCONNECT in Help Menu, which is an advanced connection material and failure card according to plastic strain criteria.
Hi George, Happy New Year!
Sorry I couldn't respond earlier. I will look into /MAT/LAW83 & /FAIL/SNCONNECT criteria. Please update me if you find anything regarding the same.
Thank you.
Bharat Pinapati