Export a deformed mesh in Hypermesh

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

Hi everyone,
i need to export a deformed mesh in Hypermesh and, by searching in this forum, I've found this post:
I don't manage to find the comand 'export deformed shape' reported in this post. Is it possible that this comand is not in the actual version of Hyperwork? In that case, is there another way to export the mesh to a CAD?
Hi Luke,
The steps involved for exporting deformed shapes are:
- You need to first export deformed shape from HyperVIew (file > export> solver deck> Here you will get the option export deformed shape)
- Import this file into HyperMesh,
- Then create surfaces from the elements using Geometry > create > surfaces > from FE (If you have solid elements, you may need to use tool > faces to first capture the surfaces)
- Then export the geometry to CAD using File > export > geometry
Please see this video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_P5GBsUo3U which is an interactive tutorial showing Exporting Deformed Shapes From HyperView and all these steps are shown here.