omitting restart files (*.rst) as output

I run IMPDYN analysis from Optistruct and get two .rst files per run. I understand that these .rst files are from RADIOSS. Is there a way to avoid these rst files in Optistruct if I do not want them as output? They take my harddisk space too much...
Best regards,
You can use Control File, using /TIME & /CYCLE/cycle_number .
- This will stop the job a cycle = “cycle_number ” without writing a .rst file
Control File (C-File)
The C-file is an optional Control File.
File format is Runname_run#.ctl, where run# is the current job number (four digits) from 0001 to 9999.
It can be used to:
•get information on a running job;
•stop the computation at a given time or at a given cycle number;
•write an A-file, U-file, or E-file at a given time or cycle number.
If a plot file is asked for, this file will have the number of the last written file plus “1”. If the computation is not stopped, the normal writing frequency of plot file is not changed.
If a time (option /TIME) or a cycle number (option /CYCLE) is omitted, the requested action is taken when control file is read by RADIOSS.
Besides /INFO, the following keywords could be combined with any others:
/TIME/time value
/CYCLE/cycle number
INFO returns information on current cycle, current global energies, current time step. It could not return information in given time (defined in /TIME/time value) or in given cycle (defined in /CYCLE/cycle number).
STOP writes a restart file R-file and stops the job
KILL stops the job without writing an R-file
ANIM writes an A-file
RFILE writes an R-file
CHKPT writes “CHECK_DATA” file
The action taken and the information are returned in the C-file itself.
1./CHKPT should not be used with implicit computation.
Rahul R
0 - This will stop the job a cycle = “cycle_number ” without writing a .rst file
Thank you Rahul!
But my IMPDYN is invoked in 'Optistruct' and not inside Radioss. I need Optistruct since I want to use Optistruct optimization capability there.
So there is no way to Control File within Optistruct environment, isn't it?
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I have also tried
but still .rst files were kept.
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Please have a look at Run options for Optistruct in attached thumbnail.
Rahul R
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Many thanks!
So a solution around this problem could be done by submitting RADIOSS input deck (.rad) instead of .fem to OPTISTRUCT and utilize '-rad' run option.