Velocity defination in radioss

Hi all
I am solving a small model in radioss
there are two parts A & B in front of each other
A is fixed and B is moving with a velocity of 1.111mm/ms towards A
when i solve the model in radioss i get 0-errors and 0-warnings
but the problem is that B moves towards the A but does not come in contact
if i increase the velocity of B it comes in contact
can any one tell me why this is happening
i want the results with velocity=1.111mm/ms
please reply
Hi Mr.SalimKhan
Basically you will have to run the problem for longer duration!
What is the distance you have between parts A and B initially;
The time taken for part B to strike part A is = distance/1.111mm/milisecond
All in all you will have to run the problem for a duration, say 2 to 20 times this time. Are you running the problem for this duration.
You can review the above points....and revert back on the board
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Thank you very much
I will run the analysis for longer duration and check the analysis
is there some additional website for radioss where i can find tutorials and examples for better understanding of the radioss
once again thank you very much
Salim KHAN
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Thank you very much for your support
the problem which i was facing is solved now
but now i am facing a new problem
it does not creats T01 data for processing in hypergraph
it gives me this error
What does error exactly means
this is my D01 file below
# Altair Engineering, Inc. © 2004
# Radioss Engine Deck Generated by HyperMesh v9.0
0.000000 0.010000
please reply
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I am not sure i understand your question.
Where do you get this error?-is it while reading in the T01 file in hypergraph?
How large is the T01 file?
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Also which version of HyperWorks are you using?
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yes i got this error while reading the file T01 in HYPERGRAPH
the file size is 240KB
i am using hypermesh 9.0
but the same model i solved previously and i could load T01 file i dont know why its not loading now
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Is there any chance you can send your T01 file to I will grab the file and figure out what is happening.
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i have send the T01 file on the said address
salim khan
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My problem is solved
In the D01 file i used /TFILE/1/ if i change the value as (/TFILE/) which is default or /TFILE/4/ than i can read T01 file in Hyperview
in the Engine documentation it is mentioned that /1/ it gives binary values (not readable by most RADIOSS post-processor)
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Hi All
In the simulation B comes in contact with A by incerasing the run time
but i am facing a new problem immeditely after coming in contact B rebounds back
what is the reason for the same
need help