importing experimental data

Hello forum
HS-1505: Register a Templex Function in HyperStudy
In this Tutorial , tep 5.19 the experimental result file is imported in *.xy format. But I have my experimental result file in *.csv form
Problem with importing this is values are not imported as X(frequency) and Y(frf) colums as seen in preview(img2). The actual plot of this values should be as indicated in red line in (compare.pdf)
Is there a way to convert csv to .xy format or import it directly in proper columnwise data.Is there way to chk what data is imported.
You can save csv in txt format and from notepad you can save the same in .xy format.
Rahul R
0 -
There is no difference between *xy and *csv, I believe they are using the same reader. You can always investigate the contents of a vector by defining a response as just the vector name and clicking evaluate in the expression builer. This is geneate an error because responses cannot be vector, but you can see the contents of the vector.
You have not shared the contents of you file, but based on what you describe, I suspect the data you want is simply not the first and second column as you have have requested. Without actually seeing a snapshot of the file contents it is impossible to be more specific. When he data doesn'y have headers, they are simply labeled with generic names like Column1, for example.