Nuts & Bolts

I was wondering if anyone could post a sample file of a threaded bolt or nut. I have looked at some tutorials for Rhino and tried to execute in sT, with no luck. This seems like a good candidate for an add-on script.
Should be easy with :Cylinder/prism/Helix/tube/boolean...
- If youre looking for automated ANSI -type stuff - thats really
more of a CAD thing than surface modeller.
Most CAD apps. have libraries and Smart components for that.
Maybe download from an online Library in STEP-format.
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I tried the helix method. The problem is that I cannot get the triangle path to not rotate as it sweep around the helix. This makes it so that the threads come out uneven, kinda looks like a stripped bolt.
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I would be open for any suggestions as far as inline libraries. Most of the ones I have found are mesh 3DS Max files. I really need surfaces that I can use to boolean existing nurbs surfaces.
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I would be open for any suggestions as far as inline libraries. Most of the ones I have found are mesh 3DS Max files. I really need surfaces that I can use to boolean existing nurbs surfaces.
Havent done a search on nuts and bolts but they should have them:
As for the Helix - Youre right - I tried and finally did it
with Multisweep.
Dont use multiple profiles. Just one profile at the beginning of
the path and a single Helical path.
Constrain rotation to axis.
Its a bit sensitive and you can start with few rotations on Helix.
Set a fairly high number of sections/profiles.
- Then cap the ends.
I would post the file but havent got the time right now to set up an
external link.
- Hope they add an upload function to this forum.
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I would post the file but havent got the time right now to set up an
external link.
- Hope they add an upload function to this forum.
This has been now added.
If you go to start a New Topic, you will be able to attach a file.
You can also post your Reply, and then looking at your message there will be an Attach File link.
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So here's the file.
-I'm shure it could be improoved but it's my first -