tk table
You can use tk table (refer to tk manual
or hwtk::table (read usage in start>all program>altairhyperworks>tools>HWTK Gui Toolkit)
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Thanks tinh.
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Hi all,
invalid command name 'hwtk::demo::getpreviewframe'
invalid command name 'hwtk::demo::getpreviewframe'
while executing
invoked from within
'set w [hwtk::demo::getpreviewframe]'
(file 'D:/mahez/13Sep17/but.tcl' line 1)
invoked from within
'source {D:/mahez/13Sep17/but.tcl}'
('uplevel' body line 1)
invoked from within
'uplevel #0 'source {$file}''
(procedure '::HM_Framework::p_FileLoad' line 68)
invoked from within
'::HM_Framework::p_FileLoad 24'
('eval' body line 1)
invoked from within
'# Compiled -- no source code available
error 'called a copy of a compiled script''
(procedure '::hwt::ReleaseCanvasButton' line 1)
invoked from within
'::hwt::ReleaseCanvasButton 0 ._Scripting.f35.button35'
(command bound to event)m getting above error ..y
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Please show your but.tcl file
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Altair Forum User said:
Please show your but.tcl file
I just copied and pasted from that hw toolkit.
no changes
just to understand
package require hwat;
set w [hwtk::demo::getpreviewframe]catch {destroy .top}
set w [hwtk::dialog .top]
$w hide apply
set recess [$w recess]namespace eval ::texample {}
proc ::texample::OnSelect {W S c} {
puts [info level 0]
}proc ::texample::OnOk {w T} {
puts 'Selected items are --> [$T selectionget ]'
$w unpost
}set sl [hwtk::selectlist $ -stripes 1 -selectmode multiple -selectcommand '::texample::OnSelect %W %S %c']
pack $sl -fill both -expand true
$sl columnadd entities -text Entity
$sl columnadd id -text ID
$sl columnadd color -image palette-16.png
$sl columnadd thickness -text Thicknessfor {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
set clr [expr {int(rand()*64)}]
$sl rowadd row$i -values- thickness $i.$i$i]
$w buttonconfigure ok -command '::texample::OnOk $w $'
$w post0 - thickness $i.$i$i]
The proc is defined in hwtk toolkit GUI, not in hypermesh. So it raises error when you run it in hm
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hi tinh,
thanks .
I will find way to correct. /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />