Axissymmetric orthotropic material

I'd like to define an axissymmetric, orthotropic material with the following material properties in Hypermesh-Optistruct.
I've got the material properties from a paper about modeling a bamboo-culm, which has the shape of a tube (look at the attached files). Hence they are formulated in cylindrical coordinates.
I thought about using the MAT9 or MAT9ORT material-card, but I dont know how to transform the properties from cylindrical coordinates into the shape which is used in this cards.
In the MAT9 card i've to fill up a 6x6 matrix with 36 entries Gij, but I dont know how to get these values.
Is the MAT9ORT card more suitable for my problem, and how can I get the values for this card?
Best regards
Benno Laipple
Hi Benno Laipple,
If the material properties are specified in terms of Engineering constants (E11,E22, Nu12, etc...) you can use MAT9ORT to model.
First, you have to consider how the fibers should be running in your model.