Composite Interlaminar shear stress

Hi everyone,
I have a question about how the interlaminar stresses are calculated in shell element. I cant find it in the software documentation I have.
The thin shell element model does not calculate the interlaminar stresses or shear stresses right?
So there is a need to calculate it in another way, does it uses the equilibrium:
xTension/dx + xyShear/dy + xzInterLamShear/dz = 0?
What about in the free edge, does it assume zero there?
What's the failure criteria used? Is it a quadratic considering both xz and yz InterLamShear or just linear?
Sorry for so many questions but I need to justify this in my master thesis.
Thank you very much,
Best regards
Hi GonPer,
The composite interlaminar stresses are calculated based on the first-order shear deformation laminated plate theory.
You can refer to any Mechanics of Composite book for more information on the same.
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Hi Prakash,
Thank you very much for your answer.
I can justify it that way.
What about de failure criteria? Is it linear or quadratic?
Best regards,
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Hi everyone,
For those who might need to know this, I've calculated it by hand and it looks like this:
BondCrit = ((tau_xz/ILSS)^2+(tau_yz/ILSS)^2)^0,5
Best regards,