Meshing Multiple Components with Shared Constraints

Does anyone have a good step by step method of combining multiple components and their loads? I understand the concept of first creating a 2-D shell and then a 3-D (for me, tetra) mesh to finalize a component. My specific problem is that I am trying to simulate fluid flowing through a solid (like a pipe of water through a cube). My partner does the CAD, and he gave me two IGES files of the components (one being fluid, the other being metal). The IGES files for both are just the 'shell' surfaces for the two. I imported both geometries and began meshing. I created a 2-D mesh for the fluid, and one for the metal. Then I went to do tetramesh for each. I used the option 'per-volume-component' to create a solid mesh for the fluid and the metal separately. If I wanted to specify a constraint on the fluid shell nodes but needed it to interact with the shell and solid elements of the would I go about that? Does it do it automatically? This is where I'm stuck, so if anyone has any advice or can direct me to some help, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks.
Dylan Stelzer
Could you share screenshot of your model to understand more about your exact requirement. What type of analysis you are trying? Structural or CFD
Rahul R
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Hello Rahul,
I have attached a few screenshots trying to give you a better perspective of the problem setup. I am trying a dual Thermal/Structural analysis (two loadsteps, one heat SPC and load set, one force SPC and load set). It's hard to explain but what I'm trying to accomplish is creating a high temperatures around the outside of the model (through a conduction interface and heat load) and low temperatures inside the 'fluid' (through heat constraints on the 'fluid' component nodes) and being able to see a nice gradient through my 3-D model in HyperView. Let me know if there is anything else I can provide to clear the air! Thanks for taking interest!
For some context on the pictures...
1) There is a 'fluid' component (dark blue).
2) There is a 'metal component (orange).
3) The shell geometries of each were meshed at once with an automesh average size of 0.1m.
4) The two components were then tetra-meshed separately (with per-volume component option turned on).
5) The heat loadstep contains heat SPC's (green) on the center pipe 'fluid' shell nodes with a value of 123.15 (K) and heat flux (pink) on all conduction interface (black) elements on the outside of the 'metal' shell.
6) The force loadstep contains force SPC's (light blue) with dof's 1-3 checked on all 'fluid' shell nodes and a 'compressing' force load (yellow) applied to the elements on the outside of the 'metal' shell.
I want to be able to see a temperature gradient through my model if I slice it in half as well as the rest of the responses (displacement, stress, element fluxes, etc. etc.). Again, thank you!
Dylan Stelzer
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