Error while changing user profile

Please try the below:
Close HyperWorks application(s) and Please delete setting files on your machine and try again. Follow the link below on how to delete setting files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Also, delete .Altair folder in temporary directory. Go to Run and type
in %Temp% and click OK.
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Still it cannot solve my problem. I receive the following error
\{hm_getitemnumber: item 'IGES' on panel 'OSSmooth' could not be found.\}{hm_getitemnumber: item 'IGES' on panel 'OSSmooth' could not be found.}while executing'hm_getitemnumber OSSmooth 'IGES''(procedure 'OSSmoothPanel' line 3)invoked from within'OSSmoothPanel'(procedure '::UserProfiles::OptiStruct::PanelProc' line 10)invoked from within'::UserProfiles::OptiStruct::PanelProc'
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I can see that you are using HyperWorks 12.0 SE.
could you please let me know what is the OS you are using?
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I am using windows 8.1 64bit.
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HW 12.0 Student edition is not compatible with Win 8.1.
Why dont you use 13.0 instead?
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try exporting the data to *.bdf file then run Optistruct from Start>program files
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I can use it but it was not available when I want .
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Hello Tinh
Can You tell me how to do that?
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@Tinh, All
Student Edition doesn't allow to export models to other solver formats except RADIOSS, OptiStruct, AccuSolve.
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Altair Forum User said:
I can use it but it was not available when I want .
What do you mean by it was not available?