I want to know material property of CFRP.

I would like to know the properties of the quasi-isotropic CFRP laminated composite laminate to have such properties.
This CFRP is orthotropic material.
Order stack the CFRP is 0 ° 90 ° 45 ° -45 ° -45 ° 45 ° 90 ° 0
And to obtain the properties for MAT25 type (in Radioss) of CFRP.
Material properties for MAT25 are E11, E22, E33, Nu_12, Iflag, G12, G23, G31, EPS_t1, EPS_m1, EPS_t2, EPS_m2, Wp_max, Ioff, Ratio, SIG1_yt, b1_t, n1_t, SIG1max_t, SIG2_yt, b2_t, n2_t, SIG2max_t, SIG1_yc, b1_c, n1_c, SIG1max_c, EPS1_c1, EPS2_c1, SIG2_yc, b2_c, n2_c, SIG2max_c, EPS1_c2, EPS2_c2, SIG12_yt, b12_t, n12_t, SIG12max_t.
Please show me how to know this properties.
Hi Domado,
E11= Young's modulus in direction1= 131GPa,
E22= Young’s modulus in direction 2= 8.2Gpa
E33= In direction 3
It is the same with shear modulus and poisons ratio.
SIG1_yt= Tensile strength in fiber direction σt11= 2000MPa and the same applied for other tensile and shear strengths directions.
For plastic hardening and plastic strain, etc.. please contact vendor.
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