I want to know material property of CFRP.

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A





I would like to know the properties of the quasi-isotropic CFRP laminated composite laminate to have such properties.


This CFRP is orthotropic material.


Elastic modulus in fiber direction E11 131GPa
Elastic modulus in transverse direction E22 8.2GPa
Elastic modulus in transverse direction E33 8.2GPa
Shear modulus in 1-2 plane G12 4.5GPa
Shear modulus in 1-3 plane G13 4.5GPa
Shear modulus in 2-3 plane G23 3.5GPa
Poisson's ratio v12 0.281
Poisson's ratio v13 0.281
Poisson's ratio v23 0.47
Tensile strength in fiber direction σt11 2000MPa
Tensile strength in transverse direction σt22 61MPa
Compression strength in fiber direction  σc11 1400Mpa
Compression strength in transverse direction  σc22 130MPa
Shear strength in 1-2 plane τ12 70MPa
Shear strength in 1-3 plane τ13 70MPa
Shear strength in 2-3 plane τ23 40MPa


Order stack the CFRP is 0 ° 90 ° 45 ° -45 ° -45 ° 45 ° 90 ° 0


And to obtain the properties for MAT25 type (in Radioss) of CFRP.


Material properties for MAT25 are E11, E22, E33, Nu_12, Iflag, G12, G23, G31, EPS_t1, EPS_m1, EPS_t2, EPS_m2, Wp_max, Ioff, Ratio, SIG1_yt, b1_t, n1_t, SIG1max_t, SIG2_yt, b2_t, n2_t, SIG2max_t, SIG1_yc, b1_c, n1_c, SIG1max_c, EPS1_c1, EPS2_c1, SIG2_yc, b2_c, n2_c, SIG2max_c, EPS1_c2, EPS2_c2, SIG12_yt, b12_t, n12_t, SIG12max_t.


Please show me how to know this properties.

