Message ID 44 - Abnormal End
I'm working on an impact test of a bike helmet with LAW33 and P14_Solid with a tetramesh of solid elements. ISOLID is OFF, Ismstr =2, Icpre=0, Itetra=.
I've put an initial velocity on all the nodes of the helmet and i created a rigidwall right in front of it. The slave nodes of this wall are all the nodes off the helmet.
I've checked the penetration and there is no problem there, i had the error ID 169 : Zero or negative volume, For 4 nodes tetrahedron ID=44250 , Integration point = 4.
Then, i added the DT/BRCK/CST but i' not sure i've understood how it really works. Since then i get the abnormal error. I've put my files here if you want to check it out. is the first error is when DT/BRICK/CST is activated
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I just realized my hpm file was not saved in those files so here it is!
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I'll try it, but could you tell me what have you changed? Just so i can follow and understand.
Thanks, i'll keep in touch tomorrow!
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With your file i'm able to launch the RADIOSS solver and see results, but in this simulation the helmet crashes completly and becomes flat. Normally it shouldn't, maybe i had errors with units on speed which is suppose to be 6.2m/s but it would help if you could tell me the changes you've made so the error won't come out.
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Hi Olivier,
I just modified the DT/BRCK/CST value. Scale factor was provided for the same. No other changes were made in the model.
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Hi Olivier,
Please find the attached files.
/ANIM/ELEM/FAIL keyword is compatible with only certain property and material types. And modified /ANIM/BRICK/TENS/STRAIN keyword.
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Hi George,
I tried running your file but got the error 44, abnormal end. I've deleted the /ANIM/BRICK/TENS/STRAIN and unchecked /ANIM/ELEM/FAIL and /ANIM/ELEM/HOUR from my model and got the same error. Please find attached picture.
Please help me with that.
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Hi Olivier,
The file runs fine for me without any errors. Please share the same model files (_0000.rad, _0001.rad) and .out files (_0000.out and _0001.out).
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There you go,
I've run it once and got the error, those are the files. Also, i just saw that in the model_0000.out you managed to put the work unit system and input unit system and i was wondering how can i do this too. Because right now with those units it doesn't work with what i need to enter. The mass would be 196 kg and i want it to be 196 g.
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HI Olivier,
The files are running fine for me. I recommend you to download and install the latest HyperWorks suite, HyperWorks 2017 and try running the same. Files are attached for reference.
The unit system in the model is consistent as user provides.You can recheck the mass of the model in Tools>Mass Calculator.
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Hi George,
Thanks for the h3d file, i'm able to open the results in hyperview but i see that the simulation time is way too small for the impact. I tried again to import solver deck and i picked your model_0000.rad file to see the changes, then i just activated RADIOSS and the same error 44 happens. Don't understand the's the software on the computers at my university with the latest version, it should work...
I changed the units with the HEADER_CARD for mm, ms, g and still tried but got the same error. I also changed the time of simulation and values for the material. Would you please run it with RADIOSS and send me the files so i can see the results? I hope it'll work cause i don't know how to resolve my software problem since it's not on my computer.
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I was also wondering if i needed to apply gravity also in my test so the impact would be real. So i updated my file with gravity and a 5kg rigid body to simulate a head. I've seen in a tutorial of a cellphone drop that i have to create a curve for gravity and then apply a Y-scale factor of the value in Z. I don't know if i did it correctly though.
It would be great if you could try to run it for me.
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Hi Olivier,
Please find the attached files.
I recommend you to download our latest student edition, HyperWorks 2017 in your computer, from so that you can run the same in your computer.
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Thanks George,
this one worked well and i managed to launch more simulation. I was wondering though how have you done to activate the middle dummy nodes of the elements? The Itetra is still 0 so it should only activate one point of integration with only 4 nodes no? I tried on my other modle to set the Itetra to 1 but i'm not able to select every nodes so i can put the gravity load and initial velocity on them.
Also, how can i manage to connect all the nodes inside the helmet to simulate a head without having an incompatible kinematic condition with the rigid wall? I tried creating a rigidbody with a master calculated node with all the inside nodes but when i choose all the nodes as slaves nodes for the RigidWall i have this error 446.
Is there a way i can simulate a head without inserting a new CAD?
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Hi George,
So i was testing the impact test with a new component in the helmet to simulate a head and i applied a ridigbody with a mass of 5kg in it. Then, i applied a TYPE7 contact between the inside of the helmet and the shell of the head i created but the contact doesn't stay. the head goes out of the helmet at the impact.
Do you know what can i do to solve this problem? Also, the helmet doesn'tn seem to react normaly to plastic strain. Even during the impact the plastic strain is still zero.
Please see the join file.
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Hi Olivier,
Please check with the model files attached. Since you are using a foam material I don't think you will get a plastic strain for it.