Error 153
*** ERROR # 153 ***
Exactly zero pivoting encountered during Numerical Factorization;
the model may have rigid body mode.
Solver error no. = -503
spc set id = 3
index = 1
Possible reasons are:
1) insufficiently constrained model,
2) having rigid body mechanisms within the model,
3) extremely ill-conditioned rigid element sets,
4) extremely thin shells (as used for skinning) that have MID2/MID3,
5) gap elements with extremely high stiffness (KA, especially KT or MU).
Check the model and rerun the problem.
(MECHCHECK may be used to find the rigid body modes. To do so,
change the input to be an eigenvalue analysis and add MECHCHECK.)
(WARNING: results obtained with MECHCHECK cannot be used because
the model is changed internally.)
This error was detected in subroutine bcsmtxfct.
Hi Ramesh,
The error could be because of insufficient constraints in your model.
It is recommended to run the model with MECHCHECK and (or) GROUNDCHECK option in normal mode loadstep to detect the massless mechanism where the massless mechanism will show up as rigid body modes ( This run should be considered as a step to debug the problem as the results from this solver is inaccurate)
If possible share the model file.