Division of curves

I have created a curve of acceleration Vs frequency as well applied load Vs frequency.
But actually my aim is to draw a curve of accelerance (acceleration/ force) Vs frequency.
I think it can be done using division operation (math curve)
But don't know how to apply?
Does anyone knows much about this, please help me.... /emoticons/default_sad.png' alt=':(' srcset='<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x' width='20' height='20'>
To divide two curves,
File > load > vehicle safety tools > then go to math in the menu > two curves math > divide > select the numerator and denominator,
Use divide by zero if necessary for your case, i.e. if c1 is divided by c2, and if c2 has any zero values, then c1/c2 equals 0.
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I am not sure whether my process is right or not.
The curves I plotted using build plots.
I separated the window in to 4, 3 of the window I used for HG.
So in 2nd window I have acceleration plot, 3rd I have load.
And now from the 4th window if I am going for vehicle safety---math---divide its not coming the selection window for numerator nd denominator.
But without any plot I tried, in that case the numerator denominator selection window is coming..
So what will be my mistake?
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Is there anyone is to help me????
/emoticons/default_unsure.png' alt=':unsure:'>
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You will have to use XY plots and not the complex plots ( phase and magnitude )
So plot your data as a normal XY plot and then use divide function,