Spring element in Radioss

How can I create spring_damper element for radioss ? I want to model spring with preload. I know there is TYPE_32 ( spr_pre ) element but what element I can create if I want to model damper as well.
Shortly I want to use spring element like Force_SpringDamper element in Optistruct.
Altair Forum User said:
Shortly I want to use spring element like Force_SpringDamper element in Optistruct.
You can use CBUSH/CBUSH 1D element with a force Vs Displacement (if you want to have preload) with the first zero in the table has a corresponding non-zero force.
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Altair Forum User said:
Thank you for your answer but I think this element compatible with Optistruct. I am looking spring_damper element which is compatible with Radioss solver.
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Hi Arif,
Type 32 spring property describes the pretension spring property set. You can model a Type 13 spring also parallel with the pretension spring property set and it will account for damping.
For Type 32 spring if you can provide a smooth curve for loading force function vs displacement or force function vs time the shocks occurring can be avoided.