Advanced mass scaling
I have a simulation which crashes after a while due to error ID 205 and 207 ('ENERGY ERROR LIMIT REACHED' and 'TOTAL MASS ERROR LIMIT REACHED'). I have tried to change mass scaling value, but nothing happened. my first question is what would be the reason of crash? Does it come from fast loading or caused by changing material properties to less stiff behavior?
Moreover, I tried to use AMS, but ran into an error:
-- LINE : /END
It should be noted that /AMS is in the _0000.rad file and /DT/AMS .67 .5E-3 in the 0001.rad (Engine).
The energy error percentage is the parameter that checks the energy conservation during each numerical cycle. This is a measure of the quality of an explicit dynamic simulation. This parameter defines the maximum allowed value of energy error before killing the simulation.It is bounded to + or - 99%.
From the engine out (_0001.out) file check what is contributing for this high energy error and rectify the same. This can cause the time step to drop which will finally result in run termination with error messages ERROR LIMIT REACHED' and TOTAL MASS ERROR LIMIT REACHED.
The format for /AMS described above is fine. If you can share the model we will review the same.
Meanwhile I'm sharing a model file with /AMS option used. Please make sure that the format is followed similarly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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What is the exact meaning of this line?And how to tackle the error dm/m ?
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The simulation happening in each cycle is represented here. NC is the number of cycle, T is the solution run time, DT is the time step and DM/M shows the mass error.
When a user impose a time step in the model, mass will be added to the system. And DM/M shows the mass added to the system.
As a good practice the mass error in the model should be than .05 (5%).
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NC= 39000 T= 4.0609E-03 DT= 1.0172E-07 ERR= -0.4% DM/M= 3.2024E-06 ?
Is it ok for a simulation ?
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This seems fine. You can continue the run as of now.
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NC=15300000 T= 1.5300E+00 DT= 1.0004E-07 ERR=-87.7% DM/M= 8.8558E-01
Is this is bad ?What consequence it can result ?
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The number of cycles of this run seems to very high, that is it seems like you are running this model for a long time.
Mass added (DM/M) is also bit higher, as the recommended mass error is less than 5% ie .05.