Optimize material properties for PSOLID

Neil Hall
Neil Hall Altair Community Member
edited 2023 09 in Community Q&A


I would like to optimize the material properties for a PSOLID with a MAT1 material (i.e., E, RHO, GE).  For example, I have a solid bar of dimensions 1 x 1 x 1 inch.  I want the frequency to be  4000Hz.  Instead of changing the size, I want to solve for the MAT1 properties that would yield the 4000Hz.  I have tried to use the DESVAR, DVPREL, and DDVAL functions, but it seems that those want to work with PSHELL, not PSOLID.

My model is attached.  It is basically a SDOF mass spring system that is fully constrained on one end and constrained in all DOFs except X on the opposite end.  I give it an initial condition Xo = 0.25 inch.  It runs a direct transient analysis.


Neil Hall, Callaway Golf, 760-822-4794



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 04

    PSOLID does not allow you to change anything in particular.

    But MAT1 can be changed, for sure (E, rho, poisson,...). It uses a parametric optimization for DVMREL. (material).

    For spring elements CBUSH, we could optimize the stiffness and damping properties, for example.





  • Lamster
    Lamster New Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 09

    The way I would do it... 

    Open hyperstudy, on define models select "Parameterized file" and select your fem. It'll ask if you want to create a parameterised file (say yes). It'll then open a word file, scroll down to the parameters you want to set (so E, rho etc) to a range of values. 

    Then set up your studies with a target frequency of 4kHz with some desired constraint.