Parameters of PSHELL (Radioss)

I am working on a crash analysis of a pickup truck chassis. I have meshed all my components with 2D shell elements. i am not able to decide the values for various parameters. Can someone pls help me with the same. I just need to know which parameters should be activated and what values to use. I am using MAT36 law for the materials.
Hi Datta,
The /PROP/SHELL property card describes the shell property set. The major parameters to be activated in a PSHELL card are Ishell, N and Thickness.
Ishell defines various shell element formulation flag. Ishell=24 (QEPH) formulation is recommended for structural analysis.QEPH shells are more accurate for elastic or elasto-plastic loads, whatever the loading type - quasi-static or dynamic, but they are not recommended with orthotropic material laws.
N defines number of integration points through the thickness. N=5 is always recommended. If only one integration point is used, a membrane only behavior will be obtained. In case of a plastic behavior, the bending moments are not integrated exactly. Using more integration points, the solution becomes more accurate; so it is recommended to use five integration points. And these shell parameters reduces hourglass.
Refer Help Menu for /PROP/TYPE1 (SHELL) also for more details on the flag definitions.
And highly reccomened you to refer this video tutorial series which shows Crash Analysis Using RADIOSS and all major aspects related are covered in this video series:
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Thank you for the reply George.