Error 173 a dependent dof defined more than once in rigid element entry

I am really new to hyperworks so not entirely sure what I'm doing. Anyway, after setting up everything and running a check in Optistruct, I get the error message described in the title of this post. I've done a lot of research on it and have arrived at the conclusion that a few of my rigid bodies are double dependent. As far as I understand this has something to do with the degrees of freedom. I have come across a 'solution' which is to update my double dependent rigids via, 1D->rigids->update->connectivity-> select a double dependent node (by left mouse button clicking it I presume) and then click update. Then the instructions were to deselect it and then click update again. The thing is, it just automatically deselects it after clicking update the first time and then nothing happens. I also get the exact same error I started with when running the optistruct check. I'm struck dumb with this problem and haven't been able to solve it for the past 3 days. Can anyone help me? Any suggestions would be more than welcome!
Altair Forum User said:
I am really new to hyperworks so not entirely sure what I'm doing. Anyway, after setting up everything and running a check in Optistruct, I get the error message described in the title of this post. I've done a lot of research on it and have arrived at the conclusion that a few of my rigid bodies are double dependent. As far as I understand this has something to do with the degrees of freedom. I have come across a 'solution' which is to update my double dependent rigids via, 1D->rigids->update->connectivity-> select a double dependent node (by left mouse button clicking it I presume) and then click update. Then the instructions were to deselect it and then click update again. The thing is, it just automatically deselects it after clicking update the first time and then nothing happens. I also get the exact same error I started with when running the optistruct check. I'm struck dumb with this problem and haven't been able to solve it for the past 3 days. Can anyone help me? Any suggestions would be more than welcome!
to deselect a node, click right mouse button on it
if you cannot update them properly, delete then re-create them
there are only 3 rbe
0 -
I have a rectangular plate with centre hole. Constrained at the one end of the plate with DOF 3,4&5
I applied load on the other end along x axis.
What is the difference if;
(1) I have creating an rigid on hole with restricting the movement along 3, 4 & 5?
(2) I have creating a rigid on the hole with restricting all the movements?
(3) Creating rigid by restricting all the movements and separately applying the SPC on the rigid with con-straining DOF 3, 4 & 5