PMASS ID not referenced
I am using point masses for an analysis and I get this error in the output file:
'WARNING: PMASS ID 1 is not referenced.'
Can I ignore this message, considering that it is only a warning? The analysis even attained completion. How do I reference it, by the way? I have already assigned the PMASS and 0D Rigids properties. Am I missing something?
Hi Ginobilli,
Looks like you have created a PMASS and haven't applied/attached to any valid component. Please check whether the PMASS is referenced in any component or not.
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Do you have a cmass1 or cmass3 element? Does it contain the property ID ?
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Hi Prakash and Rahul,
I created a component for the point mass, created a node at its COM, assigned RBE3 attribute between dependent and independent nodes. After this, 1D -> Masses -> gave a mass value at the node, assigned a property collector (0_D Rigids) and chose the element type as CONM2. Also, in the property given, I used the PMASS card.
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Is it OK to ignore Warnings in the output file? How about ignoring the warning for the 'PMASS is not referenced case'? Any help?
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Thanks for your time, Prakash!