Ansys, Nsubst, how defined in Optistructur

Hallo Everyone,
how can man define a Force 100 N in 10 Substep in Optistructur, that means, every Substep just apply 10N.
We know, we can define a load in ansys for a Force, for example, NSUBST,10
But how define man in optistrutur
Hi FalcoW,
In NLSTAT (Quasi static analysis)>> NLPARM card>> make NINC to 10.
For more information on Quasi static analysis, please refer to OptiStruct help.
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Hallo Prakash,
thx for the reply.
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But one question,
in my situation i need first a bolt pretension to calculate, then apply my force.
If i define NINC=10, my first calculation is been calculated in 10 Substep?
I just wanto for my force in 10 times apply!
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Try this:
Have two load cases. one with pretension and the second with force
For pretension have NLPARM with NINC=1 and for the second have NINC=10.