error in radioss for crash analysis

Please share the entire .out file to debug.
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last problems shorted out but now it shows 'a. rst NOT FOUND ERROR TERMINATION'
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Hi Pankaj,
Looks like you have not applied material to the components/elements or an incompatible material has been applied.
Please check the following at your end:
1) Check if PART card has been applied or not to the components.
2) check if property and material has been updated to the components.
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now error comes script execution nf.rad file not suitable for both run
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share the image of the error please.
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sir plz explain means or file.rst not found error termination
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please share the entire error or .out file.
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sir i unable to use dropbox....
and problem is that .rst file is not found error termination
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sir now problem solved but no crash is shown and also no timestep found
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now error is total mass error reached
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Hi Pankaj,
use this link and upload the model files (both starter and engine file)
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how to solve hierarchy error?
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Every component in RADIOSS should be assigned PART as card image ( this do not apply for RIGID elements).Kindly check for same & run.
Rahul R