How can I my MPC Constraint define?

Hello friends,
As you can see from figures I have two elements, One is hexa mesh and one with tria mesh, I want to apply heat Transfer from higher to lower, each of my node has different temparatures. but the Region where two elements attached should have same temperature... That I want to do...
I have apply MPC constraint after that I can reach some how my Goal. but still not precisely... I dont know from which Dependent nodes and Independent should I take?
In the last figure you can see my Analysis result. there is minor difference between two nodes. I want to make same...
Please guide me...
Thank you,
Jay Nayak
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I think if I use MPC Constraint so I can get same Temparature at the particular Region which is in contact, but without use of MPC how can we get the same temperature? because with MPC selection it takes so much time to pick each node of dependent and indepenent nodes and make MPC Constraints.
Please give me Information regarding direct any mothod to solve the Problem?
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Any specific reason for having hex & tetra for structure?You could have tried with fully hex or fully tetra element.In Altair Simlab preprocessor you can easily define MPC.In Hypermesh also it should not take much time for node selection.
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Dear Rahul,
In my Working model I have two part in which one has hexa mesh and another has tria 10 mesh as you can see in the figure, and I have to make incompetent contact Zone where I have same temerature after applying temperature boundary Conditions... I know that with the help of MPC Constraint I can do it but in my actual element I have more than 5000 nodes. I can't pick each nodes and make MPC constraints.
Please if you have any another way to define MPC; Give me inforamtion.
Thank you,
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You want to pick only mid nodes or all nodes?
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As you can see from figure I have trai 10 mesh, in which Each node I have diffrerent Temp. you can Also see the postprocessing pict which I have send you yesterday. Now I have to make all nodes like have same temperature. with the help of MPC I can reduce somewhat difference between two nodes but not exactly the same temperature. The Zone where My Hexa and trai10 mesh Comes in contact should have same temperature? I don't know How I can do it?
That's why I have take simple Example and try to find solution but ist too time consuming.
Thank you,
Jay Nayak
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