
how to get rid of this error i'm using tetra 10 elements.and rbe2 rigids also
Can you paste the entire error message or share the entire out file?
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I found that it is due to some of 2D elements, but when i tried to tetramesh that it is showing that it is getting meshed but when i mask the 2Delements i'm finding that it is not getting meshed.How to do tetramesh for that parts??
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for that parts it is showing as 11000 elements are outside of mesh volumes and discarded and how to deal with self intersection of parts?
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Hi jahnavi,
check if there are any intersections in the 2D mesh and try to remesh without any intersections.
Using the new mesh, do a tetra mesh.
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hi prakash,
can u please tell me what are different ways to deal with intersection
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Go to Tools page>> Penetrations and Intersections>> check for intersections and try to remove them automatically.
If you still see an issue with meshing, share the file with us.
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can u pls share the mail?
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i sent it.thanku
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Hi Jahnavi,
Is this extracted through STL?
I see lot of free edges and the model is not an enclosed solid. You need to work on closing the voids.
Go to Tools>>Edges>> Find edges. You will see more than 100 free edges on your model.
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it was in .max file then i deleted solids and did tetrameshing
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hi prakash
the upper head part has no free edges but y it is not getting meshed
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Hi Jahnavi,
There are free edges at several regions. You need to repair these regions. does .max file writes elements or surfaces?
If it is surfaces then it will be to correct.
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okay.I have imported it as elements and then i deleted solids in hypermesh
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Hi Jahnavi,
Were you able to fix the void regions in your model?
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hi ,
some i could but some i can't in the head region there are no void but meshing couldn't be done.same is the case with ribs
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You may have to mesh it manually or use tetra elements.
try to achieve a closed volume solid so that it will be easy for you to mesh.