Optimization with two constraint?
Hello Friends,
In my Optimization Inputs before I gave mass as constriant and I got new mass everytime in Responses Table. But now I Need volume also, for that I took one more volume Response and Volume constraint with lower bound Zero, so I can see what happen in upper bound. But it Shows nothing in Response Table.
Please help...
Thank you,
Hi Nayak,
Why do you want to have two constraints which serves the same purpose?
Reducing volume and reducing mass almost serves the same purpose of weight gain.
Can you share the .out file?
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Because both has ist own Purpose, I have taken mass of constraint of Overall geometry, not only of Optimized Geometry. Secondary I want to know the surface area of my elements which I have Changed or Optimized. Because those area affects the heat Transfer coeffcient only. Once I know the new area I can calculate Heat Transfer Coefficient. Yesterday I was trying to Import all new optimized geometry from .oss file, but I don't get optimized shapes.
My aim is just simple to know the area of optimized shape....
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As you can see r_mass in Response Table, I Need also new volume or area of my geometry.
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Secondary as you know that DVMREL2 in which I can fill some of Inputs from DESVAR and some from Design Equation, and want to use type: MAT4 and fill new Heat Transfer coefficient..
I hope now you can understand my Problem, why I want to those things at the same time.
Thank you,
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It would be better if you can send the .out file
Altair Forum User said:Secondary I want to know the surface area of my elements which I have Changed or Optimized. Because those area affects the heat Transfer coeffcient only.
You can output grid state file using Control Cards>>GRID>>ALL which will write out .grid file and use the same in HM to see the shape change and calculate area.
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I have sent you .out file.
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It is Control Cards>>OUTPUT>>GRID>>ALL
Sorry for missing output in my previous reply.
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But with the help of Control Cards>>OUTPUT>>GRID>>ALL, do I get everytime means with every Iteration new Grids of that shape, which I want to optimized? Because from Tools>solver/ & then OSSMOOTH, I got optimized Geometry, but this Optimized shape is my last iteration's Shape. Do I get new shape after every Iteration?
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It shoudl write a .grid file for every iteration. Using OSSmooth you can get the shape for each iteration and you can calculate the area for the same.
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Hello Prakash,
I am seeing that in my working Directory more than one .Grid file generating in accorance to Iteration. Can you tell me now how can I Import individual .grid file with OSSMOOTH or any other function.
I have tried with OSSMOOTH, with .fem, .sh and .001.grid file which is first Iteration Grid. But it gave nothing.
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Here is the procedure to follow using OSSmooth. try this and let me know if you face any difficulty.
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Hello Prakash,
I got various .grid Files, but one more thing is that, without selecting grid all as my output in Control card, I got 19 Iteration. but when I want each grids, so I have selected Grid all, as you have suggested me, then I got only 9 Iteration, and my model has been converged. so I got only 1 to 9 grids. Can you tell me what is reason behind that?
Thank you,
Best Regards,
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Hi Nayak,
Can you share the model file?
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I am sorry, I can't share .fem file or any other file. I can only show some pict. if you want. Apart from this I want to ask you one Question. As in figure I have defined 24 shapes, and I did horizontally, vertically, transfer shape. but only in one side in each Shape. the design variable as you can see in the Pict. Is it displacement in particular direction or what?
How these design variables decide for the right combination?
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Solvers tries a combination of variables.
If you are working for any commercial company, I would suggest you to get in touch with your local support team to discuss about the issue.